Resources & Opportunities

Professional Exploration

We encourage students to pursue additional internship opportunities offered through Beloit, which have included programming and systems work for a local retail computer firm, payroll programming, database design, operation of mainframes at a local engineering firm, and software conversion.

Most majors share their expertise by working on campus; many work for Beloit’s Information and Technology Services office during the academic year or in the summer as user consultants, research assistants, systems programmers, web developers, or UNIX system, laboratory, or project managers.

Study Abroad

Beloit offers plenty of ways and places to study off-campus - abroad or elsewhere in the U.S. Your computer science advisor can help you find the right opportunities, along with advisors in the Office of International Education. Computer science majors have recently participated in the following off-campus programs:

  • Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
  • Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco
  • Massey University, Manawatu, New Zealand
  • ISEP: Aix-en-Provence, Montpellier, Rennes, Reunion Island, France
  • University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
  • Goldsmiths University of London, UK
  • Ulster University, Northern Ireland, UK
  • ACM: Oak Ridge Science Semester, Tennessee, USA

Computer Science Teaching Classroom

This classroom supports discussion and active learning in computer science classes.

Computer Science Teaching Classroom

Advanced Computer Lab

Beloit’s Advanced Computer Lab is available to all computer science majors and minors via keycard access. The fully outfitted room includes a data projector with screen for group viewing of code, a whiteboard & blackboard, three high-end computers (Linux, Mac OS & Windows) with 30” monitors placed on semicircular tables to allow group work, four 24” monitors that are used with student laptops, a laser printer, and a rack with computer science magazines. Artwork on display in the lab comes from Beloit College students, chosen on a rotating basis by the computer science students.

Advanced Lab, Computer Science

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